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Canon EF and RF Lenses – All Autofocus Motors

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Article URL: https://exclusivearchitecture.com/03-technical-articles-CLT-12-autofocus-systems.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43320230

Points: 288

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2 days ago
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Made O’Meter helps you easily and quickly avoid American products

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With the United States having started an incredibly dumb and destructive trade war with Canada, Mexico, and most likely soon the European Union, there’s quite a few people who want to avoid American products. With how interconnected the global production chain and corporate ownership structures are, it’s often difficult to determine where products actually come from. Luckily, technology can help. There’s online directories like Buy European Made, which lists European companies in all kinds of markets, or European Alternatives, which focuses on listing European alternatives to online services.

As nice as these are, they are quite manual, and require people to actively search around, which is kind of a hassle when you’re making a quick grocery store run. What if we could use image recognition to just take a photo of a product’s box, and have our phone tell us where a product’s made? That’s exactly what Made O’Meter does: take a photo of a product, wait for a few seconds, and it’ll tell you exactly where it’s made. It’s made in Denmark, with the goal to “support Europe, Canada & friends”.

I’ve been trying it out on various products around the house, from groceries like cereals and cookies, to tech products and clothing we just bought that still had the tags on them. Every result turned out to be 100% accurate, and it takes only a few seconds to analyse each photo. It also doesn’t seem to be too fussy with the quality of the photos themselves – it doesn’t care about hands and fingers in the frame, or weirdly-shaped boxes that don’t fit nicely in a view finder. It’s a website, not an app – very platform-agnostic, which is great – and I was using it in Firefox for Android without issue.

If you want to avoid American products, Made O’Meter is a great tool to have with you the next time you order something or run to the store.

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6 days ago
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The Demoralization is just Beginning

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Article URL: https://geohot.github.io//blog/jekyll/update/2025/03/03/demoralization-is-just-beginning.html

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43261941

Points: 369

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7 days ago
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Naar de cloud nu je er nog mee wegkomt: is dat het?

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De stukjes overheid die hun bestanden en mail nog niet op Amerikaanse servers hebben gezet, maken grotendeels enorme haast om dat nu alsnog te doen. Men lijkt een druk te ervaren, “want er is geen alternatief” en (ietwat bevreemdend) “we zijn met 150.000 werkplekken (!) te klein om nog iets zelf te kunnen beheren”. Het is nogal een besluit om je gehaast over te leveren aan Amerika nu. Het is voor veel buitenstaanders (“burgers”) overigens al lang een onbegrijpelijk idee om dit nu nog te doen.
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10 days ago
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Firing programmers for AI will destroy everything

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Article URL: https://defragzone.substack.com/p/techs-dumbest-mistake-why-firing

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43010814

Points: 466

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14 days ago
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The subtle art of designing physical controls for cars

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Article URL: https://www.theturnsignalblog.com/the-subtle-art-of-designing-physical-control-for-cars/

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43017010

Points: 205

# Comments: 111

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16 days ago
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